January 31, 2020
View full story at Rocky Mountain Farmers Union Facebook page Rocky Mountain Farmers Union and FUSA Insurance Agency cooperatively sponsor two SAE grants each year for Colorado ...

January 28, 2020
WANTED: Coordinator to take over the After Prom Party planning. Lorraine Foreman and Joanne Roelle are turning over the reins to someone else. They are willing to help whoever wou...

January 22, 2020
Want to check on your child's grades? Or see what their assignments are? If you don't have your parent access set up on Schoology, please email Leslie Raffelson at raffelsonl@peet...

January 21, 2020
School Board Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 23rd at 7:00pm in the Bulldog room next to the office. All board agendas, meeting minutes and recordings can be viewed in th...

January 16, 2020
NEW APP for IOS/Android We updated to a new app in December. Some people may still have the old app on their mobile device and events are not being updated. Please make sure yo...

January 16, 2020
NO SCHOOL on Friday 1/17 for all PreK-12 students - Teachers will be traveling to Haxtun for a BOCES Inservice.

January 9, 2020
CALENDAR CHANGES COMING : We have heard from several people that the new "events" listing of calendar events on our website and app is challenging and not in a nice user friendly...

January 8, 2020
To welcome back the students from break, 5th-12th graders participated in the Sources of Strength Program. If you'd like to learn more about the program, visit their website https...

December 18, 2019
Congratulations to all who participated in the Spelling Bee on December 5th. All of these students will be competing at the regional competition in Brush. 1 - Lyle S 2 - Sadie...

December 17, 2019
The Sterling NAPA Auto and Truck Parts Store sponsors the monthly student awards for Northeastern Junior College’s automotive technology, diesel mechanics and secondary automot...

December 17, 2019
School Board meeting will be held on Thursday, 12/19 at 6:00pm. Board Documents and Agendas

December 17, 2019
Math and English teachers teamed up to have 7th and 8th grade student write their own story books about math concepts. The students then read their books to elementary classes. ...

December 4, 2019
The PEO Christmas Store will be open on December 11-13th for students in Preschool - 6th grade to shop for family members. Each child will be coming home with a flyer today with d...
November 20, 2019
November elections brought a new face to the Peetz School Board. Darrin Fehringer will replace Danny Wood on the board. Tuesday, November 19th, Mr. Seger presented Danny Wood with...

November 15, 2019
Volunteers make a difference! Help our students find their next favorite book at our #ScholasticBookFair. Sign up here: Volunteer Signup

November 15, 2019
November Regular School Board meeting to be held on Tuesday, November 19th at 7:00pm. New members will be sworn in and outgoing members will be recognized. Full Agenda

November 14, 2019
Only 5 days till the Book Fair! We’re now offering a new, cash-free payment option called eWallet, making it easier for kids to buy books! All you need to do is set up your accoun...

November 12, 2019
Safe2Tell is an app that kids and adults can get to send tips anonymously to let law enforcement and school admin know about anything that could potentially hurt someone. This app...

November 11, 2019
Larry Turner, second from left, Golden Plains BEST Robotics hub director, and Mike Sullivan, left, assistant director, present the first place trophy to the Peetz High School “Bot...