PARENT RESOURCES for Gifted and Talented
Boulder Valley Gifted and Talented
Advocating for academic and affective needs of gifted and talented children.
BVGT Facebook Page
Initially intended for teachers, this site has a wealth of teaching strategies for gifted students, as well as insights and fun lessons (that you can do at home!).
Cherry Creek Gifted
We are a local affiliate of the Colorado Association for Gifted and Talented (CAGT).
Cherry Creek Gifted Facebook Page
Colorado Association of Gifted and Talented
A wonderful resource for parents in Colorado of gifted kids. They hold a conference each fall with a parent speaker night that is very valuable.
Creativity Quest at UNC
Creativity Quest is a monthly Saturday program for creative and/or high potential learners in grades 1 – 6. Each year, our teachers design new learning experiences for our questers!
Davidson Institute
We are a national nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting profoundly gifted students 18 and under.
A wonder resources for exploring new interests, no matter what the age. Want to learn how to be a Yeti? Or maybe how to be a Lego Master? Photography? It's Here! The website and skill badges are free.
Duke Digest of Gifted Research
Digest of Gifted Research, produced by the Duke University Talent Identification Program. The Digest is a trusted resource for research-based information about raising and educating academically talented children.
Each Central Colorado Association for Gifted and Talented
ECCAGT aims to advocate for and foster an understanding of the varying exceptional educational and emotional needs of all gifted children in the community. Serves Elbert, E Adams, E Arapahow, Lincol, Kit Carson, Cheyenne and parts of El Paso counties.
Like geocaching or maps? This is for you, then! You get 5 guesses to determine where in the world a particular picture is located. Or, go into challenge mode and create your own.
Gifted Exchange Blog
Gifted Exchange, the blog about gifted children, schooling, parenting, education news and changing American education for the better. This blog is supported by the Davidson Institute for Talent Development.
Gifted Guru - A great source for parents from an authoritative gifted advocate, Lisa VanGemert. Good tips for alternative options, and some great perspectives
Hoagies Gifted
A page for everything Gifted. Check out the Parents page first and then head to the Kids Fun or the Gifted 101 page.
Mensa for Kids
Mensa for Kids - if your child enjoys reading, please check out their Excellence in Reading program.
National Association for Gifted and Talented
Northern Colorado Gifted
The purpose of the NOCO chapter is to follow the CAGT mission to foster an understanding of all gifted children and their exceptional needs, and to advocate for appropriate education through partnerships with educators, parents, administrators, and more.
Northern Colorado Gifted Facebook Page
Five new curiosities every week sent to your email. Find the answers with your kids, or let them go exploring the wonder on their own.
Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted
SENG is dedicated to fostering environments in which gifted adults and children, in all their diversity, understand and accept themselves and are understood, valued, nurtured, and supported by their families, schools, workplaces and communities. - See more at:
Terry Bradley - Gifted Education
Terry Bradley put together the curriculum that I am using for the activities in our TAG groups.
Unwrapping the Gifted
Tamara Fisher is a K-12 gifted education specialist for a school district located on an Indian reservation in northwestern Montana and past president of the Montana Association of Gifted and Talented Education. With Karen Isaacson, she is also co-author of Intelligent Life in the Classroom: Smart Kids and Their Teachers. Her hobbies include drawing, hiking, four-wheeling, and building houses. (She lives in a house she built herself.) In this blog, Fisher discusses news and developments in the gifted education community and offers advice for teachers on working with gifted students.
Check out the wonder of the day; find answers to questions you didn't even know you had, or search for your topic and see what wonders have been answered about it!