Master Plan

Plateau School District is coming together to ask the community to support health and safety improvements/upgrades to our school through a potential bond and BEST grant from the State of Colorado. Neenan Archistruction has been hired to help the school district create a master plan that will guide the future planning of our facility needs. Stakeholders are being asked to attend a master planning meeting to assist in guiding the District in the right direction and decisions for our students.  All those involved in the School District and the community are encouraged to attend.  The District will be providing lunch for those that are in attendance.

Two different sessions are being held during the day that work together in developing a Master Plan for the District.  Below is an explanation of the two sessions:

Peetz Master Plan CDP Intro/invitation: (provided by Neenan Company)

What we call the Collaborative Design Process (CDP) is one way we help you, the district, align with your staff and community on a direction.  It is a full-day design and estimating work session.  This is a day we bring the design and construction experts from our side together with the staff and community from your side and orchestrate a series of work sessions and check-ins to develop real-time options, concerns, ideas, and alignment from you and your community.  This allows the district to make informed decisions in a short amount of time with the appropriate experts and community influencers present.  We developed our CDP process because of the huge benefit in time savings of reviewing multiple options quickly, but it has proven to be even more powerful for the community alignment and support for a bond campaign that results.  

A CDP day is composed of Context (an intro to the day and the project), Conditions of Satisfaction (COS) (an inquiry session gathering your requirements and qualities of a successful project), and then a series of Work Sessions and check-ins to fill the remainder of the day.  During work sessions, the group will divide into smaller tables to address specific topics, and then check in with the whole group for feedback and alignment on what to work on for the next work session.

For the Peetz Master Plan work sessions, a major activity will be designing various floor plan options to meet the needs of the district.  Simultaneously, groups will be discussing the funding methods and strategies to secure BEST grants, and aligning on the scope and required square footage of the project balancing need and budget goals, each to inform the development of plan options in the subsequent work sessions. 

Agenda for the day:

9:00 AM Introductions, Agenda, Rules of the Day

9:20 AM Project Context

BEST grant opportunity/urgency (why now?)

Review master plan process

Goals of the Day

9:40 AM Review Program, Scope, and Site Diagrams

Review existing facility conditions

Review initial square foot needs of spaces (program)

Review likely options to start the day

10:00 AM Develop Conditions of Satisfaction “COS”

11:00 AM Design Work Session #1

Team 1: Plan Option A - School Renovation

Team 2: Verify Program & Required Agencies

Team 3: Determine funding sources and project budget framework

12:00 AM Check-In #1 (Lunch Arrives)

Groups present findings/opportunities.  Whole group feedback.  Determine next steps

12:30 PM Design Work Session #2

Team 1: Plan option B – replacement school?

Team 2: Plan option C – Hybrid: addition, reno, demo?

1:30 PM Check-In #2

Groups present findings/opportunities/concerns.  Whole group feedback 

2:00 PM Design Work Session #3

Team 1: Refine plan option based on feedback

Team 2: Refine plan option based on feedback

Team 3: Discuss phasing logistics options for construction 

3:00 PM Final Check-In #3

Groups present options and funding strategy, discuss likely direction 

3:30 PM Next Steps & “Not Now, Not Yet” Review

3:45 PM Plus / Delta evaluation of the day

It is the District’s sincere hope that we have a large attendance of stakeholders present to assist in the Master Planning Process and hear about the current conditions of our existing facility.